Wednesday 14 March 2012

Progression of Town

For the scenery in my animation, I am needing to expand on my model of three buildings. The sketch above shows the rough plan that I am going to use to make the rest of these buildings. All of the buildings are going to have very similar brickwork and features, as many of the buildings from this time period were very similar. However, to be more creative than simply cloning the three buildings that I have already made, I am going to use features (e.g. windows, shapes etc.) and mix and match them together to make a set of new connecting buildings. I aim to have them look similar to the sketch above, then this set will be cloned/rotated/shifted around slightly for the other side of the street in which my production will take place. I will then use some more of these buildings, if needed, for the background of my animation, depending on how the camera looks. I will also find a decent texture to use for the brickwork on the floor, and a photo or two for the background.

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