Tuesday 7 February 2012

Leaf Tutorial

This tutorial involved using a picture of a leaf in Photoshop and making it into a leaf in 3DS Max. The leaf needed to be changed in Photoshop for the purpose that there wasn't white surrounding it when it was put into 3DS Max as a texture. Using layers in Photoshop was very simple for me as I have had a lot of experience with the program, so this technique will be simple for me to use in the future. After making one leaf and adjusting the vectors so that it wasn't simply flat, I then cloned the leaf and rotated/moved around the cloned leaves to make a pile with a couple more leaves falling onto the pile.
Another thing that I learnt in this tutorial today was how to change the environment when rendering a model. The environment could be changed to a different colour (as I have done here, to make the leaves stand out more) or a photo could be added to the environment.

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