Wednesday 2 May 2012

Almost Finished

For (hopefully!) the final day of working on this animation, the final clip has been put into Adobe Premiere along with the background music that I am going to be using. The final clip has once again rendered only as one second long when it is meant to be much longer, so is being re-rendered over several workstations to hopefully take the strain off a bit, as it's a large file yet quite a short clip, but a vital part to my animation's story. The song chosen for the background music is the Halo 2 Theme by Steve Vai. This song has been chosen because the track begins being quite calm and fairly relaxed then suddenly gets very fast paced and crazy, which fits in well with how my animation goes. The song is going to be cropped down to the right time and fade out at the end, once the final clip has been put into the animation.

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