Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Three Models

For my three models, I am going to make:

1. Leonardo Da Vinci's Tank

2. A small group of buildings, in the style of 15th Century buildings, that would be found in Florence, Italy. I am going to use features of buildings that I have researched and combine certain historical features so that it is historically accurate, yet still more inventive than simply copying a building.

Here is a rough sketch of what I expect my scene to look like, and I will use this drawing as something to work off of so that the scene should hopefully look better:

3. Some barrels containing gunpowder, with Italian writing on them to show the content. There will be some that are piled up, but one will have fallen over and will be spilling some of it's content, which will also be shown. During the animation, the tank will probably knock the barrel over.

Here is a rough sketch of what I expect the final model to look like:

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