Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Texture Progression Of Model Two: Buildings

Now that the buildings have been more or less completed and all of the features have been modelled onto them, I have started on the textures. Using my reference images to help, I have been carefully selecting textures that fit in with buildings that may have been in 15th century Florence, with editing the textures in Photoshop if there is any need for any slight adjustments. The windows will be requiring a slightly different texture to the one that is being applied here (which is using UVW Mapping to add some more realism to the building) and each building in this selection will have slightly different brickwork, to once again ensure realism.

For all of the windows, I am giving them a flat box background so that each of them can have a bitmap of a window pasted on as a texture. In Photoshop, I am cutting out and adjusting images of windows, so that the frames that I have made for these buildings using cylinders and boxes can still be used (to prevent the image from appearing flat) but so that the inside of these windows looks realistic, like the rest of the textures on the buildings.

In Photoshop, I am cropping down this image and extracting the parts that I want to use for the bitmap texture. The view is slightly off in this image, so I am also using the free transform tool to make sure that it lines up properly, to ensure that there is no distortion when it is placed on the object in 3DS Max. The eraser tool is used to get rid of the parts that I do not need, as is the crop tool and the magic wand. This process will be repeated for all of the different window bitmaps and these will then be applied to a material. The object that the material is applied to will then be cloned, rotated and distorted (if necessary) and aligned to the window/door frame that it is needed to fit to.

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