Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Animating has been a lot easier (so far) than I thought it would be, although the only other program that I have animated in has been flash.

The first thing that I have animated is a teapot and a box. Each object has been animated seperately using the Auto Key (I have experimented also with using the set key, but due to there being a lack of complicated animation among many objects, there isn't really a need for this tool yet, however I am still aware of it's purpose. For this animation, I have animated the teapot to look like it pours (using the rotate tool) then moving it up and over using the select and move tool on the x and z axis. The box has also spun around the table and moved slightly.

Next, I have animated a ball to look like it is bouncing. To do this, I simply moved the ball to the appropriate places on the timeline, then used the curve editor to put the animation on a loop. Then, the balls were cloned (which meant that the animation sequence was cloned with them) and used the dope sheet to adjust the timing, so that they were not all bouncing at exactly the same time as each other. The amount of keyframes was then altered, so that the balls didn't look like they were glitching, and then the animation looked like it was on a constant loop.

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