Wednesday 25 April 2012

Finalised Lighting

The lighting has finally been adjusted to what I want it to be. I discarded the daylight system, due to the washed out effect that it gave all my buildings, which erased all of the detail of the texturing. It has been replaced with an omni light, which is positioned high above the scenery, like the sun would be at about midday. To create some softer shadows, another omni light has been included just behind the camera to give the other buildings some more light and to dull down some of the harsher shadows.
There was some problems with the lighting where the floor was concerned: the floor was either appearing washed out or was not being illuminated at all - just replaced with the background colour. To combat this issue, the floor was re-made and scaled down, with some extra noise added to create bumps and make it look more realistic and un-even.
I started off using just a skylight at a high point in the sky above the scene to be seen as a sun, but this did not give the type of overcast conditions that I was looking for and for a standard 12pm day in the summer, so the omni lights were tested and gave the desired effect.

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