Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Today, we have been using the reactor tool in our animation. The reactor tool is used to edit the mass, friction etc. so that when an object moves, these things are taken into account. Firstly, we simply made a box fall from a strange angle onto another flat box, which forms the surface. the objects needed to be grouped into a rigid body collection and the mass of the box needed to be adjusted. The gravity could also be adjusted if it was needed to be.

Next, we had a model of a bowling alley to animate. Firstly, the mass of the pins and the bowling ball needed to be adjusted appropriately: the pins had a mass only half of that of the bowling ball. We also needed to adjust the position of the ball in the first 5 keyframes so that it is rotated slightly to have the momentum to move down the alley. The Col. Tolerance also needed to be adjusted so that the pin wouldn't simply fly everywhere, so it was changed to 0.5, which was the lowest that it could go. Originally, I had the problem of one of the pins falling through the floor, but after adjusting where the pin was slightly, this problem was combatted. The pins and ball still fall off of the end of the alley, but only because of the length and width of the ground.

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